I have had to surmount one obstacle after another this week. The obstacle has a name, and her name is Leyla.
Before I go on I will digress. Many years ago when Daisy was still at primary school I decided to play hooky from school with her and take her to the Hampton Court flower show. The year previously she had been to Chelsea and loved it, but I knew that Hampton Court was more child friendly and hands on. I booked tickets at great expense. The day came and guess what? I was so sick I could not move or walk. I phoned my mother who dutifully got on bus from Oxford. Got a train to my house and then took Daisy across London to the show. They both loved it, but it illustrates the point that whenever I decide to throw a sicky, (and it VERY rare)
I am ALWAYS sick..Karma I know but still.I have always wished that teachers could have 5 days they could legitimately take off and work 5 days during the holiday but that would be just too logical. But back to this week.
On Friday Leyla bounced home and announced she had broken up ...early. Kitty and I were still at school, so once again we were playing our favourite pass time 'who looks after the brat'*
I announced that I was at school all week, knowing we broke up Wednesday. I thought I could go in for two days and clear my paper work. I took Leyla to work with me Monday where she exhausted everyone. Duty done, I rubbed my hands with glee at the prospect of a productive week. Tuesday and Wednesday were good, Emin was working from home, then Thursday he had meetings, so guess who I got to play with? So best laid plans.. I barely scratched the surface of what needed to be done. I was so totally cheesed off I gave up and came home. I will cave in tomorrow and confess to the scam, I cannot do another day with her at work, and this house needs some TLC.
Back home I put into play scam number two. I 'volunteered' to take Leyla to her Tai Kwando lesson, which is a euphemism for going to the pub for an hour. Emin comes home and offers to take her instead, so here I am nursing the dregs of a bottle of Shiraz. Yes all teachers are lushes it goes with the territory.
I am currently without Kitty as well as Daisy. She hightailed it to her cousins as soon as school was out. She will be a rare sight this holiday, everyones house is more welcome than her own.
I realise I am feeling a touch maudlin, but I am looking forward to some reading, necklace making, photography and having full and frank appraisals of my wardrobe oh and 2 weeks in Croatia, yeah.
*Disclaimer, I LOVE each and every one of my girls, they truly are totally gorgeous in every way, but Leyla is without doubt, bloody hard work on her own, even my assistant said so and she is in line for a sainthood
P.S Yes we do have an Au Pair, but she is at college all day, and out with her 'boyfriend' all night. Something has gone wrong there. my mother says we are the only family she knows that has an Au pair, and yet still struggles with child care!