Taryn Simon at the Photographers Gallery, every picture tells a story, this one is of food confiscated by U.S customs over a 48 period, the fruit I can understand but who brings a pigs head onto a plane?
I was due to meet my mother for a private view at the Bankside gallery last night, but having organised my end for an early get away I phoned my mother to hear various degrees of chaos, she admitted that due to a little managerial insouciance she had forgotten that the students returned on Monday. She work in a college how do you forget about the students? So she blew me out. I toddled up to London anyway with visions of wonderful clothes from COS, a hand full of fabulous magazines from Borders, a stroll round Liberty's ... but the reality was that the clothes in COS were just horrible and best of all out of the entire range only 2 size L tags could I find. This whole massive jumper thing over leggings is a touch Max Wall at my age. I feel I pioneered this look back in the late 70s when I stole my fathers size 44inch jumpers and wore them over tight jeans, I got some strange looks but I felt very cool. Talking of cool I hope the definition includes not being affected by label prejudice, because for my sins I did buy a jumper from of all places, Per Una, I normally run past this section but I was lost in the building site that has become the Oxford St branch, I was searching for long socks, instead I saw 1 gorgeous grey jumper swinging on a rail my size, fits like a glove, £35 poorer. I should not be such a label snob but normally these clothes are hideous so a slice of humble pie there then. Borders was equally disappointing since I cannot justify £18 for a magazine so I read a lot standing up then skulked home via the Photographers gallery which was fantastic, if you are nearby have a look http://www.photographersgallery.org.uk/
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