Antonio Murado

Effie Paleologou

http://www.lucasschoormans.com/ for more Murado
http://www.daniellearnaud.com for more Paleologou
I have been reading London Orbital by Iain Sinclair It was a tough start as it is a book that demands your full attention. It is very much in the mould of the great W G Sebald Rings of Saturn http://books.guardian.co.uk/news/articles/0,6109,619971,00.html which is a kind of road trip with wonderful random tangents, a book that you don't want to finish. I love road trip books like this. Tim Moore wrote a brilliant one based on the Monopoly Board game. London Orbital is just that, an attempt to walk as close to the M25 as possible whilst documenting the history of the places visited. The book is littered with wonderful allusions and one of the many people mentioned was the photographer Effie Paleologou whose photos give a real sense of atmosphere. Stuck in my in tray was the work of Antonio Murado whose work is similarly atmospheric both I think have struck a chord after all my travelling, it has felt very strange to stop and become so static I can see how some people just keep on going.
Whilst I was editing photos on holiday I would make brief notes which I posted last night, unusually for me I typed them into word so that I could do a straight copy+paste into the blog, normally I hand write and carefully dispose of the notes. Of course Emin found the notes and ranted that It was unacceptable to write anything that concerned him especially negative and that I should tell him to his face if I am unhappy.Of course he saw the remarks out of context which was the illogical ranting of a spoilt brat, but it does raise the question as to weather I should mention him at all. When I caught up with the blogs of others I realise no one else moans about their partner, instead they focus on the positive or the thematic. I have written about him when I feel his behaviour impacts on my mental and therefore artistic well being, a concept he is unable to comprehend. Emins world is totally black and white no ambiguities no theorising just the facts, I do not know how we stay together other than to bring up Leyla, yet our relationship is far more complex. It is bizarre to think that if he were to find this blog it would finish the relationship because he hates the fact that I write without telling him first and he hates secrets. So I shall attempt to stop with the "Liz Jones" style diatribes and focus on the more positive aspects of my life. Kitty did ask what my New Years resolution was and I guess that will be it (oh and loose some bloody weight)
I thought your comments were rather tame and in context, not exactly "moaning." And I know what you mean, our partners have such an effect on us that if we're writing about our lives (and that's what we're at least partially doing in these blogs) it's hard to avoid mentioning them. I knew from the beginning that family would be reading mine, as well as friends, so I've got that firmly in mind always, but Paul has always known that I do vent about him from time to time with friends -- I just try to choose friends who know him well enough to understand the context (i.e. that he's a very decent guy who, nevertheless, occasionally acts like a guy!).
Relationships are never simple, are they!
I empathise utterly
Today I left The Beautiful Man and my heart aches with the utter pain of it all. I don't think I'll blog it as he may read it
Thank you for reading, empathising and supporting me. It is more appreciated than you can know
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