Whilst I was gallery hopping a few weeks ago, I did have some extra time to shop, apart from budget constraints I was also hamstrung by Leyla and less so, mother. Windows of opportunity were therefore slim so we headed off to the new H&M then COS then GAP. H&M was really good right up until I tried to fit into anything, their sizes have shrunk so much, whilst I am bigger, I am not that much bigger, and eventually settled for two lovely cotton skirts, double breasted style. I could have bought more but none were left in my size. They had some lovely patterned skirts but like a lot of shops they were very short. COS had a few more size Ls than normal so I bought a beautiful navy silk/cotton mix cardie, their size L is generous and the fabric is lovely so they hang beautifully. Once again the skirts were too short, or hung like cardboard. Gap nothing fitted, so nice cheap day out there. I was able with the assistance of my sister to see more the next day but only found a lovely linen knitted top for the summer. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, having been promised wonderful, full, flowery patterned skirts on the catwalk, the shops have nothing but plain and mostly very short or very, very long, neither a good look unless you are 5 feet 10 and a size 10 and very, very young. A drastic reduction of storage space has meant a rejigging of my clothes. I currently have hanging stuff in Leyla's room, old rolled stuff in Daisy's room and what I need to wear in my room, so I am pared to the bone until I can shop for more storage. Getting out all my clothes was good, I could see that winter trousers are minimal primarily because they are so dull to buy and rarely fit (summer is a different story) I have lots of knitwear but live in this years cashmere, but it's skirts that have been a success story, I suspect the waistbands are more forgiving, although the new ankle boots have been a roaring success mixed with my cable knit tights. The point of this post? Well the lack of choice in the shops has driven me back into the arms of EBay. I haven’t even logged on since last August, but have already bought a wonderful denim skirt and a floaty light black one and there are more in the pipe line. I ruthlessly select, watch, think, then set a budget and walk, until the bidding is over. A few years ago I rarely won, but something has changed and clothes seem to be going for very little at the moment. I suspect the dealers have pissed off everyone so much, most of the original amateur market has gone to Primark or have discovered that its cheaper to buy direct from the original source. So I am now waiting for my lovely skirts, fingers crossed they fit, so by default almost my shopping habits have changed, and I am buying less and trying to make sure what I do buy, fills a gap not just a whim. But what ever happened to the beautiful skirts that floated down the catwalk?
I saw many cute skirts while shopping over the last few weeks -- but they're mainly mini. While my legs are still quite decent, and my husband tries to encourage me to wear short, mini's just not on! I did find a few to choose from, though, and finally brought one home last weekend, but I've been looking for months and months for one great skirt (that didn't cost the moon!). I keep thinking of dragging my sewing machine out . . .
Oh yes, I am about to write about just that!
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