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here the whole road is a great big road work at the moment so I could not take one of the exterior myself. It has often been described as Hogarthian inside, for me it is lighter than that, but that is because we ate upstairs.

We ended up at Andrew Edmunds for lunch, it was late and most of London seemed shut. Here they serve all day, it is a beautiful restaurant, the food was delicious and the wine and sherry fabulous too. This rose was from the Lebanon, recommended by the waitress, it slipped down a treat.
Those peonies are so beautiful my eyes hurt. I wouldn't even need to eat there as the visuals are so satisfying. But, I wouldn't say no to a delicous lunch or a glass of sherry.;-)
It was food for the soul as well as my ever increasing girth. I will never tire of looking at Peonies.
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