Finally, I give to you the most beautiful perfect pair of black trousers, they fit like a glove, look gorgeous. I did baulk at the price a little, but decided that sometimes you just have to pay. I may not wear them for work because sometimes you have to keep something back. They are from The White Company, which I will now add to my 'must visit' list along with Muji, Jigsaw (online any day now) Kew, COS and Banana Republic, Yes, just before the holiday I lost my BR virginity by purchasing a beautiful Jersey top and cardie. It has taken a long time, I find the clothes quite formal and the trousers seem very low rise for me, but I am confident now I will find more.
The changing rooms are wonderful too.
Once again this year Jigsaw has triumphed in the jersey department, the new tops that arrived are beautifully cut, and best of all wonderful colours, most definitely fit for Paris.
I wore a lovely retro grey tunic from GAP for the first time on Monday and made the fatal mistake of not changing when I got home the result is it is covered in spots of grease. Nowhere is safe. Time to invest in an apron I think.

This top is just beautiful too, I bought it in the black, sadly the Babycord Jeans that it looked lovely with, did not fit, so I now have a handful of tunics but not enough slim trousers.
I am blessed in just one physical department, that is my legs, they are flawless, which allows me to wear shorts in the summer. They also look fine in straight leg jeans because at nearly 5'8 my legs are long enough for most trousers.
I will however not be embracing the 'peg leg' style this year. As a super slim 18 year old I clearly remember owning a pink pair which I teemed up with a pink and purple checked shirt. I think only the tall and slim can really get away with them, because they require you to tuck in, and when you have a generous middle age spread to disguise and flatter you NEVER tuck in.
Potato's and sacks.
Now having nearly bankrupted myself I am still in need of a new coat, I saw a picture of a lovely one from Whistles in The Times yesterday which I may try to find, although size 16's in Whistles are as rare as hen's teeth so I will not hold my breath. I may wait until I hit Köln during the Christmas break.
Also on my wish list, black knee high boots and a grey Pashmina. M&S had a beautiful grey cashmere knitted scarf not cheap at £59 but it felt so dreamy. Daisy raised her eyebrows and proclaimed it the same as every other scarf I own, so I put it back, very reluctantly
I am currently waiting like a poised cat for the cashmere to arrive at George of Asda. The three pieces I bought last year became the lynch pin of most outfits as they were so well cut and best of all warm and comfortable, and now Daisy has left behind her uniform day's, my life is getting a little more costlier.
Some good finds here. I'll keep my fingers crossed you find your perfect coat before the snow flies (or the fall rainstorms begin!)
The bloody rain is here already, and it looks like it may stay!
But yes shopping has been good of late.
Lucky you!! Perfect black pants are hard to find. And, I love that top.
I seem to buy most of my clothes at Gap. When in the States I always hit Banana Republic too and I have a fair amount of White Company as well, despite the fact that I am built very differently to you !!!
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