Tomorrow is Pink Day, which means 800 lovely girls get to dress up head to toe in the colour pink. Roughly translated, that means they will all turn up in their pyjamas tucked into bad repoduction Uggs sucking a dummy. Nope I do not know why either. Over in Emo corner you will get head to toe black with a pink hair slide, not worn with irony.
I will wear pink lipstick, and I give to you the wonderful Kay Thompson, who was the best thing in this, my favourite film.
Think Pink from Funny face.
I love it in "Funny Face" someone asks Kay if she will wear pink, this is after her big number 'Think Pink", and she says "Heavesn no!" Love it!!
I say the same thing to pink.
one of my favorite movies, too! so clever and witty.
That cheered me up! Think I might have to rent it this weekend!
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