Thursday 14 May 2009

Boris Savelev- 31 years

At first, Boris’s images seem to have a melancholy that can be seen as a reflection of a specifically Russian sensibility. On deeper reflection it is their humour and playfulness, their delight in moments that occur momentarily that characterise his images; odd details of human life in its urban setting are presented in a highly deliberate but off hand way. His use of colour and light is masterful: each photograph functions as a powerful abstract statement as well as a fragment of reality

more from The Michael Hoppen Gallery my other favourite photography gallery. Again the focus here is the process used to print these images which sounds fantastic.

The pigment transfer prints were made at Factum Arte in Madrid and are part of an ongoing collaboration with Adam Lowe to perfect the process. The multi-layered digital printing on Factum Arte’s flatbed printer provides a new level of control over surface and depth of tone. Each print has many layers which sit on a coating of gesso which is in turn on aluminium and then the image is waxed to complete this unique process. The resultant subtlties of tone make first hand viewing of these extraordinary prints essential


La Belette Rouge said...

Picture #1 is classic. Love it.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos - I absolutely love the second one - its the amazing light. And the Third one is eerie but also so beautiful! Thanks for letting me know about this guy!