Saturday 28 November 2009

More ideas for the scrap book of style*

LOVE this silhouette from Filippa K. I fist saw this store in Stockholm, I love the clothes but only one place stocks a very limited selection in London. What is particularly inspired is she also has a shop that sell second hand clothes from past years. I would love a COS version too, often I have regretted missing something the following year and the chance to pick up a piece later would be great. EBay without the stress.

and this reminded me that I failed in my quest to find 'that' camel coat.
* I have a scrapbook full of bits of inspiration I find like this on the Internet, often it is how you put pieces together that is important, as frequently I already own the individual bits. Like above you can see a knitted hoody, only this image has it belted which I might try next time. The top image however reminds me that we all need a nice tailored white shirt which on it's own would make me feel like a waiter but layered under a cropped cardie it would look great.


materfamilias said...

Yes, the white shirt on its own doesn't work so well for me, but I've done something like what is being modeled in that photo and it seems to work much better.
I've half-jokingly suggested to the owner of my favourite boutique that she should set up a shop next door where we could unload our purchases in a year or two if we're tired of them and where we could also pick up new (used) goodies for bargain prices -- so far she hasn't picked up the challenge, altho' she could see the rationale . . .

indigo16 said...

I think it is an amazing idea especially pertinant now. But maybe they see it as devaluing the clothes. I think the stigma of second hand still affects how people see these shops, which is why what Fillipa K has done is so important.

Unknown said...

A style scrapbook is a brilliant idea! I'm always seeing things and bookmarking them or throwing them into a folder but I never remember where I put them and always forget to look at them again. There is definitely something to be said for a good old fashioned scrapbook!