Saturday, 9 October 2010

Daniela Gregis @ Few & Far

There is a lovely looking shop called Few & far run by Priscilla Conran who's design ethos really strikes a chord with me. Just looking at this display from the website and I know I would love the clothes sold there. One of the designers featured is Daniela Gregis, further research unearthed these stunning pieces.

Again I love the splash of acid. Another destination to visit probably after I have wandered around the V&A because don't forget I will be both Emin AND Leyla free this half term Oh I am so looking forward to it, No au-bloody-pair either the peace.... of course there is a hall ceiling to paint shelves to dust but only once I have exhausted myself having fun first!

images from here


La Belette Rouge said...

Those shapes are so you. You really have such an artistic eye. There is no doubt you are an artist. Your entire aesthetic says so. And, hooray for your Emin and Leyla free half-term. Enjoy the peace and quiet and the painting!;-)

materfamilias said...

Nothing safe about these clothes -- what fun!

Miss Cavendish said...

Just beautiful dresses. I would love to wear these!

plouc plouc plouc said...

Jolies robes mais vos mannequins sont des enfants et ils semblent si malheureuses...c'est triste et noir

143Records said...

I love how vibrant and colorful these designs are.