What I love about this art fair is the way the older more stately galleries curate a room. There are some wonderfully thoughtful juxtapositions to see here, and of course I love them even more because the focus is on twentieth century British art, my favourite. If I ever won the lottery this is how I would live.

Post war - St Ives, art for me does not get better than this, having really looked this year I have become very conscious at how paint is applied, and yes, people may use the 'G' word with Lucien Freud et al, but this genre of British painting has been woefully overlooked, always skulking around the margins. In the main I think it is because it clings on to a figurative notion of landscape, which has never really punch its way out of the stigma of holiday painter . In the same way that Hans Hoffman was always a teacher who painted, these artists will forever be seaside painters rather than artists.

But I love them, until you see a Peter Lanyon (below) you will never appreciate the sheer energetic forcefulness of his brush strokes, or the stunning spacial awareness of William Scott (above)

But king of painters for me will always be Roger Hilton, this nude below is one of my favourites and it has been perfectly curated next to a lovely Patrick Heron watercolour and a lovely little bronze below.

As always there will be those obvious connections, how can anyone ever resist sticking Hepworth next to Nicholson? Because it really does work, even long after they separated their work always looks made for each other.
I have had a very difficult week planning and marking and teaching at the top of my game in order to jump through the inspection hoops, (and sadly my diary is shockingly empty this weekend.) But good news...I am apparently outstanding! Enough said.
Glad you're outstanding - it does boost you're confidence when you're told you are doing a goods job! - Well done.
Despite my raging cynicism about the whole process, that I finally achieved this, is a great source of pleasure!
Congratulations! I can easily imagine what a wonderful and inspiring teacher you must be -- you certainly educate me about painting here on your blog and you inspire me to learn more. Thanks for this!
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