This is genius
This is amataur daubs

This is perfect simplicity
This is just not quite working

This is
I actually did not click at how inspired I must have been by Sol LeWitt's work, although no one artist figures very prominently as anyone who reads this blog knows I do have a bit of a thing for stripes. I tend to flit from one project to the next rarely resolving anything, these paintings are a case in point, half done, half very much undone. I wanted to buy his book Bands of Colour on Sunday but money is tight and it will languish in my Amazon basket for a couple of months before I do. I leave work unfinished because I just loose perspective and sometimes, time can open a new door and resolve what it is that just does not click. Very rarely does the click happen but I am currently pleased with my tester sized ACEOs (as they are known as on etsy). I really wanted to try and move some of my collages by opening a shop but time is short, work seems ever more time consuming, so maybe it will remain on the ever expanding to do list.
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