This skirt is so beautiful I could frame it, It is from a shop well out of my taste zone, how can shop famous for naff florals produce such a lovely skirt, and its all mine. This definitely ticks Ms Rouge's Paris box. This ruthless rule is a brilliant idea and one that has very much wormed its way into my retail brain.
Oooh, that's wonderful, and yes, very Paris-ready. (I once had a navy Laura Ashley pinwale cord dress, very discreetly sprigged with wee flowers -- I suspect someone with conservative and dated tastes is enjoying it as a thrift shop find -- this skirt shows the company has evolved surprisingly)
Speaking of brilliant, that is a fantastic and very chic skirt. Definitely Paris worthy.
And, thanks for the kind comment and happy that my little fashion rule is helping you to weed out the wheat from the chaff.
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