How wonderful would it be to sit and thumb through these for a day or two?

Some very beautiful calligraphy read more here
I discovered calligraphy about two or three years ago. I was writing poetry and a friend of mine drove my attention to short poems, haiku and calligraphy. I was seduced by what can be achieved by calligraphy and may be associated with the notion of satori or a sudden poetical enlightenment / awakening.
these are beautiful, really beautiful
Are those all on your desk? I will trade you my desk covered with bills, receipts, and junk mail for all of that beauty. Love the fish!
mmm, LOVE sketchbooks...
Oh Ms Rouge would that they were on my desk, no they are Nathanael's, do you think he is married! sigh
indigo... thank you so much for your kind words...
Ps : I am not married anymore ;) i divorced a few months ago...
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