Thursday 9 February 2012

Dress Code Musings

So having fucked with our minds my senior management team are aiming to fuck with my sartorial style by Introducing a dress code. As you can see those of us who like to channel our inner hippy by wearing Birkenstocks have been barred, and instead we are expected to join the slatterns who parade around this building wearing vertiginous platform heels and skin tight suits bursting at the seams or they are pouring out of a low cut top that shrank in the wash.

I am all for some boundaries, but I would struggle to define them as like any hard and fast rules there will always be ways around them.

I have suggested that instead of the dress code we should introduce weekly mutton button.

It has taken two days but I have finally waded through tall that marking I showed you, of course after half term there will be another pile but for now I am marking lite!


Claire Cooper said...

I'm with you here! My school has a strict dress code - actually it's fine! people take it very sensibly and there's still opportunity for creative embelishments! glad you got the marking done! Finished mine yesterday, just got y10 Reports to write - hopefully they won't take long!

materfamilias said...

I can see why a school might need to impose a dress code, but this one seems sloppily thought out -- and it's certainly sloppily expressed (with or with jackets?)
And I would very much resent not being allowed to wear a sandal in hot weather. As well, there's no question that jeans can be much more sartorially attractive -- and these days, conventional, well-made, trim, etc. -- than polyester pants.
But glad you've got your marking done -- I've got stacks, myself, to make my weekend fun . . .

indigo16 said...

WOW, how quick were you two? Yes, there is something about cheap polyester V well cut jeans...