Many of my favourite Gallerina's had disappeared, I suspect the smarter ones do the business weekdays and the assistants do the weekend, hence the paucity of style. Of course I did get far more than this, but I will drip feed them to you whilst I am away next week.

Second from right the colours are lovely, but she was clearly cooking, could those sleeves be rolled up any further? And most hilarious of all the Gallerina on the right is wearing the same dress as last year, that is some seriously good value cost per wear!
I did manage to get some work done too, for my identity project so it was not a complete disappointment.
I still ache all over from being on my feet for so long. Remember I did shoe shopping prior to this with Kitty. 4, count them, 4 pairs purchased.
- Snowy weather booties
- Work pumps
- Scrummy brogue boots with kitted lining
- Navy sparkly ballet pumps
She has just learned another of life's tough lessons, having paid for a book she checked her debit card receipt to discover that a £7.99 book had been charged at £45! luckily she checked and went back and thankfully they refunded her the money, but I have begged her to check before she taps her pin number in, not easy for a dyslexic though.
I am now tearing my hair out as to what to pack for Istanbul, it has rained non stop out there for weeks but looks to be a little brighter by Saturday, as we leave on the first flight out of Heathrow Saturday I need to pack now.
Oh, and the Tempest, on the bright side Ralph was very good as was the actor who played his daughter and Caliban was the best I've seen. Sadly the production was just horrible, crap set crap costumes and the music...Oh dear God it was TORTURE, really not good. All this would have been fine if the seats were cheap but they were not, which is why I prefer rep', no matter how pants the play I will never had paid too much and so resent it less.
I now realise that Sam Mendes is a genius with Shakespeare, his production was so much better, only let down by a poor Prospero.
I love those two dresses -- except for the heat, that knit one looks so comfortable and smart.
Too bad about the Tempest -- wonder what Ralph thought. My big complaint with Prospero in the Mendes version was not being able to hear. But we quite liked the set for that one. . .
I do love the stripes with the hint of red, and the dress 2nd from right, with the color-blocked effect over pants? skirt? I like the proportions, colors and the architecture of her outfit, but she looks hot and just looking at the picture makes me itch.
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