Friday, 21 October 2011

Something Stripy for the Weekend

This was an impulse buy some time ago, As I was paying for something in COS I spied 3 women carrying this top, I could not decide what side of 'convict' this fell, but in the end I loved the shape so much I thought 'what the hell' I've noticed I do not wear necklaces with stripes, the clash feels a bit much, so I have been wearing earrings more often instead.

Sadly it was the last batch of +J for Uniqlo today, the skirt I lusted after sold out in seconds which is good as that means I stick to my rules, even if they were enforced by the speed dial of others who were clearly prepared to stay up until 1am for them to go online. I guess that makes me a lacking somewhat in sartorial ambition!

I did as a consolation prize, (because I knew I would fail in my mission) buy a dress, YEAH I stuck to the rules, I cheated though as it's a skirt with a grown on top but the dress is grey and looks lovely, and more importantly very comfortable, perfect for layering a jumper over. I did weaken and buy a top too, but I impressively returned it because do I need it? NO.

I have been working with the oil bars again with mixed results, but it's good to push ideas around. I've assembled the bones of my Identity project too, last night I finally enrolled and I'm officially a student with an I.D card to prove it. Our library tour was cancelled so I went anyway, never one to conform I could not believe we were expected to sit and learn about bloody Photoshop, instead I gazed at some wonderful photography books and have already scanned half the pages of a book on Self Portrait it was so inspiring.

So Tutors 2/10, facilities 10/10!

Tonight I pack for Istanbul, luckily the temperature is in the high teens so I may get away with a light jacket rather than a full on wool coat. I have not a clue what we are doing but I am determined to spend some time at my favourite mosque in Enimonu.

Tomorrow I'm taking my newbies for a tour of Cork Street, self indulgent, you bet! I have left some Sartorial Frieze for you all to enjoy and will be back photography rich by November.

1 comment:

materfamilias said...

I love the shape of that striped top, and I especially love the movement of the pocket stripes into the body stripes.
btw, I hope you get a chance to check out the Group of Seven exhibit at the Dulwich Gallery -- these iconically canadian artists working in earlier 20th-cent. are seen as dated, hegemonically masculin/Euro-oriented, etc. etc., now, but they shaped our Cdn view of ourselves for some time and will always be a huge landmark in Cdn art. More East than my side of the country, but still. . .