I have not done one of these Q&A for a long time and as I sat bored senseless today whilst a major virus swept the school, I did this one via Belgian Waffle
1. Are you a male or female: I can swing both ways
2. Describe yourself: angry, arrogant, opinionated, decisive, day dreamer, impulsive, irritable, all wrapped inside a cloak of patience
3. How do you feel about yourself: old, frizzy haired and subject to the very worse that gravity has yo offer..
4. Describe your parents: Father, erudite, highly intelligent yet utterly stupid. Mother, acid tongued spitfire, but remarkably fair and generous in her twilight years..
5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriends: far, far, too many of the former, monogamy does not sit well with me, (I hang my head in shame) absolutely none of the latter. The duplicitousness of the female species has left me so utterly speechless I have given up.*
6. Describe your current boy situation: 17 stone body builder, ex bouncer, ex teacher, ex trainer, ex installation engineer and probably ex project manager the way he is currently behaving. Basically the missing link is alive and living with me.
7. Describe your current location: I am sat at my computer at work, putting off a pile of marking. In front of me 15 girls are reluctantly finishing of their art work before they leave for study leave.
8. Describe where you want to be: Chelsea Flower show, V&A, Damascus, any where on the British coast.
9. Your best friend is: my sister
10. Your favourite colour is: INDIGO
11. You know that: The grass is not greener on the other side, just more interesting.
12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: life inside a straight jacket.
13. What is life to you: an endlessly unsolvable puzzle, with not enough hours in the day to even try.
14. What is the best advice you have to give: Walk, just keep walking.
Well obviously this excludes all those beautiful cyber girls,.Of course if any of you ever met me you would probably understand why I am friendless!
Hopefully some more of you will have a go at this, I just love these things they remind me of those multi choice questionnaires you used to get in old Cosmos, only I soon sussed that you could rig the answers to get the best profile.