Wednesday 20 October 2010

Tables and Chairs

I only began to notice the amazing array of furniture the galleries brought with them at the end of the day last year, this year it was one of my focal points and as I was quite early I noticed that many of the staff used the quite mornings to catch up on paper work or their emails. This made for me some lovely solitary vignettes and in fact I preferred the photographs to show how the staff related to the tables and chairs as some were clearly more about the visual impact than the comfort of the sitter!


materfamilias said...

You are so fab with these series! Every one of them has left me looking at the world a bit differently, singling out elements that had previously slipped by me as background OR that I'd appreciated on their own but not connected to a network. I love this!

La Belette Rouge said...

I am now convinced you need to do a book. Truly, I LOVE your images more than the Satrorialist's. Your theme posts are BRILLIANT. Sorry, don't mean to gush--I just love the art world and I adore how you bring us the people who inhabit that world.

indigo16 said...

I am looking into a book but of images I do not often post, I think if I could just break my blurb duck I would do more books. Plus of course I always think 'well I'll wait until after the next show' then I'll have enough and so another years goes by. I guess trying to be a mother artist and teacher is too much sometimes!

gwl said...
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