Recently one of the improvements to the summer show has been the inclusion of photography and limited edition journal's. My sister
bought a beautifully screen printed one last year which she says has been a real talking point amongst her friends. Leyla had her eye on one but it was an inkjet and for me not worth the price, I like to feel the sweat in my artwork!

If I was pushed to buy one thing it would be the painted collage top right. They are by
Jennifer Durrant an artist whose work I fine I either love or hate, mostly it is the small er pieces that do it for me
once she scales up they lose their intimacy and become pastiches of aboriginal art.

Second choice would be this
cabinet of
porcelain be Edmund
de Waal,
difficult to see I know, but it was lovely.

Two paintings that I really liked and coming a close
third were by Anthony
Eyton an eye
watering £7,500 so maybe another day.

Loved these but have no idea who they are by

An astonishingly beautiful piece by Tom Phillips the price?£39,000 but trust me I know how long his
pieces take and this for me is worth it.

Two photographs from the amazing
architecture room which is often overlooked, I love looking at the models.

Finally not a painting but a piece of embroidery very
subtle and very beautiful, by Miranda Argyle
I love the connection between the Resort photos you've posted below and this post -- different kinds of art indeed.
This RA show must have been wonderful to wander through -- your daughters have all had such wonderful exposure to art, to plays, etc., Lucky girls.
It looks like this must have been a pleasure, looking around at this show and absorbing these pieces. What a treat.
Great collection.
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