The dog is not too good when let of the lead and tends to do a runner, quite literally forgetting to stop, that, and his inability to contain his desire to be adopted by every passing dog walker all of whom he lusts after greatly, which of course never goes down too well with said dog walkers dogs, who then get snippy, at which point he then decided to chew their face off the dog not the owner! Suddenly he does not look so friendly and I the stress of seeing his admirers faces turn to sheer panic and that generally means he stays on his lead.
We then discovered this patch of scrub land which is in fact the north end of our local park, it has a small area that's enclosed and we have bravely allowed him some free running time. Leyla is great, she plays hide and seek with him which since he is a) stupid b) blind and c) has a crap sense of smell she finds great fun. He sadly rarely gets to find her, the only clue you can give him is to call him. She wisely taunts him with a branch, most dogs like to eat a treat, his treat is to eat the tree. However it is exercise for both of them. I thought having stood guard at the gate it was time to take some photographs .
" I always think that 'knowing something by heart' gives you a depth of possibility which has more potential than seeing new sights, however marvellous and exciting they are."
The rest of my life appears to disappeared into a blurry mess of shopping and keeping the waring factions apart.
I have spent hours trying to help Kitty find some kind of gainful employment which is a very slow process.
I had intended to hit the gym and shed some weight, but I am dog tired and lacking and energy this week, a heady combination of unwinding couple with a period. Oh lucky me.
I did make it to my sisters birthday bash which was good fun despite eating the worst pizza of my life. She then phoned to ask if I wanted tickets to see The Tempest, I had not heard it was coming to town but it appears to be at a 'posh' theatre i.e one that cost's more than a tenner. I said "yes", but only if she would rough it in the cheap seats. I get a text back to say "yes no problem that will be £37 each"!! HOW is that cheap? How much were the expensive seats? It had better be good. It does have Ralph Fiennes directed by Trevor Nunn so I might get lucky.
I will endeavour to post a little more but it is not easy whilst at home in the house of bedlam.
Hi Alison!
I´ve been offline for a while, but I have now been catching up on your blog. Love reading it!
Since we are set to go to London for 3 weeks on Monday I thought that I would ask you for your best tips, please?
Where should we go if we want to see works of young artists? I´m very interested in craft, too – is there a market or someplace that displays textiles or pottery?
Any good clothes shops that I might not know of (we now – finally – have COS in Stockholm). I like Jigsaw (or used to like Jigsaw), UNIQLO, and love your style with layering clothes.
If you visit Stockholm again I promise to return the favour. Thanks in advance!
I'm smitten by that middle photo of the dandelion seeds -- almost looks like something underwater at first, an anemone perhaps.
All three of them are great -- and what a good spot for trying to wear out that pup of yours.
Hope The Tempest is fabulous (or at least more exciting than the one we saw together last year.
Johanne I have only just picked this up so I am not sure if you will read this.
Contemporary Applied Art is a good place to start. They are on Percy Street just off the Tottenham Court Road. The staff are great so ask them for some other places. Sadly the best shows are the college degree shows which are finished now but they may know somewhere for you to visit.
You may like Jigsaw's sister shop Kew. For the best shops try Upper Street in Islington. Go to Angel tube and walk along Camden passage, a treat in itself. The cross the road over to Upper Street where yo will find Ghost, Oliver Bonas,Noa Noa, Toast, Kew and various other shops. It is a nice atmosphere too with lots of cake shops!
Mater, thank you. I needed to dip my toe back in the photography arena I have not taken any of any worth for ages and this was a great place. Love that you call my 'idiot' aging mutt a pup!
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