How to describe Weymouth? I have pondered this conundrum for far too long whilst walking the dog, would I go back? Absolutely not, yet it is a place not without a little charm, only it's buried deep, deep undercover.
What you have is a small Tudor harbour that has expanded into a large fishing town, add to this a royal palace built by George III overlooking with a sweeping Georgian terrace facing the wide promenade sea front which is home to a beautiful sandy beach. The sand here is so fine as to be almost classified as silt! So what went wrong? I guess the sixties happened and cheap nasty B&B's took over along with corrupt council officials and what was once lovely is now a nasty dirty car riddled nightmare town.I tried so very hard to capture the spirit of Weymouth but I fear others have done it better, not least the amazing photographer Paul Russell who has a much better grip on the place, although looking back I think I may have given him a run for his money, but I did have glorious sunshine on my side.
Looks like you had a fun day. Makes me want to go somewhere this weekend
Wonderful, wonderful colours unify these photos -- feels like summer! (whereas back here, we're stuck in permanent February!)
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