Wednesday 26 November 2008

The view from here

My room at 8am. It took four of us all morning to clear up this carnage. All because the stupid idiot Bursar could not be bothered to pay someone to screw the shelves to the wall. oh and yes I do have rather a large magazine collection..but that is not the point.


materfamilias said...

Oh no! I too have a wall full of books in my office on shelves that I'm not sure are safe. Admin. simply sent out an e-mail reminding us all that unless we have earthquake-approved shelving in our offices (and few of us do), we should be careful, or refrain from, putting books up -- now their butt is covered, legally, I suppose, and they're not "wasting" cash on shelves, but we're expected to do research, for heaven's sake -- which does required books!
All of which rant is to say, you have my sympathy (and some rage is on loan as well!)

indigo16 said...

Cheers, these thing I guess are sent to try us, one good thing was I have managed to throw a lot more away, space ready of course to be filled...

auntiegwen said...

Oops, hope you didn't break anything that can't be replaced !