Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Happy Birthday Daisy
After 16 long and occasionally torturous years, Daisy is now a funny wise and intelligent companion. It was not always so, she cried solidly for her first 2 years, women would line up convinced they knew how to stop her wailing and struggling, but to no avail.
Daisy was always a Daddy's girl and would run away from me, she was always happier elsewhere. Slowly she has grown to appreciate my 'helicopter' ways. Over the years, because we journeyed to school together we have grown very close. I do not see her as my best friend, she will always be my daughter, but that bond is now very strong and I know whatever the problem I will always be her first port of call.
Daisy is not celebrating at home but I think my mother will spoil her rotten and her Father threw her a brilliant party at the weekend.
She has surprised everyone but me at how hard she is working but she has got today off to relax and she will be celebrating some more with friends at the weekend. Children no longer have Birthdays, but Birthweeks.
Tonight I will celebrate too, for doing such a brilliant job, any excuse for a glass of Rose!


materfamilias said...

Yes, it does sound as if you should pat yourself on the back, or at least pour yourself that glass of rosé -- turning out a 16-year old you like and respect is no mean feat. Good for you and Happy Birthday to Daisy!

auntiegwen said...

From one mother of a 16 year old daughter to another

I salute you, pour me a glass too

Congratulations, you've survived and a happy birthday to your eldest beautiful daughter