I have never really paid much attention to the clothes in Muji, but as I was walking through House of Fraser a shop assistant gave me a catalogue and my appetite was whetted. I then managed to check out the branch on Long Acre in Covent garden and I could have bought the lot. Very simple colours, beautiful fabrics, and many of them fitted me which is always a bonus. So I am now slightly poorer. I bought a beautiful long black Cotton cardie with a deep shawl collar belted and a lovey fitted jersey top that only hugs the right places.
This is the worst month for spending so I should not have done it, but sometimes I just lack self control. I have 4 birthdays in a 3 week slot plus some how I lost my purse AGAIN so I could not be more miserable.
Plus I am going on a holiday which I could not afford so my mother ended up paying, so I now am racked with guilt. I feel every spare penny is eaten by rising interest payments on the house, and the people that matter end up short changed year in year out. I am shockingly bad with money and it is something I would love to change, I do not spend huge amounts, just a little and often. However It always just creeps over what I had intended so I am opening a savings account to pay for next years holiday which thankfully will be back in the cheaper environment of Cornwall again. That's the theory anyway.
sounds as if you deserved a bit of retail therapy -- and really, a jersey top and a black cotton cardigan, very, very practical, so no reason to feel guilty . . .
Spending little and often is the worst! Because you can't keep track of where it goes. My trick is writing it all down, there's nothing better than realising you spent £30 in a day on lunch, magazines and 'some Muji pens' to curb your frittering the next day! On the other hand, Muji stuff will last you ages so don't beat yourself up:)
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