Wednesday 5 November 2008

Kettles Yard

"I'm in the midst of a quixotic scheme which, if I can get it into action, would interest you. It has struck would be interesting to be lent a great house on the verge of a city - or a place of great beauty in a town (Cambridge I have in mind) and make it all that I could of lived in beauty, each room am atmosphere of quiet and simple charm and open to the public (in Cambridge to students especially) And for such a living creation I would give all that I have in pictures and lovely objects, would bear the initial cost of making the house suitable, give my services for the next 10 years (if I live that long) as organiser and guardian - and if it worked when I die endow it with what I can. It just happens to be something I believe I could do with usefulness, Helen and I would live in a bit of it - the rest would look lived in - its special feature would I think be one of simplicity and loved qualities. There could be a library there (art perhaps) and there could be evenings of chamber music - and your pictures - and Ben's and Kit's - and Brancusi and so on - would be part of its life and beauty"

Jim Ede wrote this to his friend the poet David Jones, in the end he joined four tumble down cottages into the most amazing space, beautifully lit by swathes of natural light, the space is alive with art, creativity oozes out of every pore. You approach a small door and pull a cord. Inside a bell rings and a small old lady opens the door and lets you in. You may sit on any of the seats and read any of the books. You ache to live there and it always pains me to leave. It is the house of my dreams.
Two wonderful books
Graham Murrell, Katheryn Faulkner and Ian Jeffery

1 comment:

auntiegwen said...

Thank you so much for showing me this. I've never heard of it but it's a drivable distance for me, I hope to visit soon