Wednesday, 21 July 2010

I have sinned

Blogguettes I stand before you accused of profligacy on an unseen scale, not since I bought two coats in COS last year have I been so lacking in self control. Swept away on a tide of sartorial optimism and fiscal insanity I have bought 2 dresses in the Isabella Oliver sale, this on top of a recent purchase of a winter dress means Scotland maybe slightly more budget than anticipated, especially if I bounce Mother home on a train. This awesome image is from the Tate Modern by Harry Callahan, I want to BE this woman, I too am feeling the Mad Men urge to dress in just a tiny bit more womanly way, so I have ordered these from Isabella Oliver in the sale, I should point out if it helps they are two for the price of one I guess.
I blame the events of yesterday. I went to the dentist to replace a filling, I have been putting it off for a year but, pun intended 'bit the bullet' and went, my dentist was so efficient she scaled my teeth and turned me around in 45mins and so I collected Leyla from school and offered to take her to Blackheath for her final violin lesson. I was actually after a Frappacino since I always feel a little sorry for myself after seeing 'that' needle. That is when I took the winter dress hit because I went into Sisters & Daughters saw a stunning block stripy dress and they even had my size.... Just as I was leaving a woman came in with an Isabella Oliver bag and I thought mmm I should check that sale out, and low, I did, I came, I saw, I spent, way too much. Each time I say "enough" but each time I push my financial envelope and once again will go home to a house that needs a lick of paint and the shower fixing and the doors rehanging and a new kitchen.
So you see where I am coming from. I live in chaos to feed my addiction, I need to write out 100X Spend money on the HOUSE not yourself!

Are they not beeeautiful


materfamilias said...

Oh, they're gorgeous, and think how pleased your girls will be that you're getting dolled up (I'm thinking of their response to the dress you wore for the wedding) AND you know you'll be much more grateful than the house will. So there. I'm an enabler, can you tell?

La Belette Rouge said...

Screw the house!!! Those dresses were so worth it!!!

indigo16 said...

I am hoping they arrive today and that they fit! I figure I spend more time wearing clothes that I get to spend in the house. Well thats my thinking/justification!
Thanks for egging me on girls!