Friday 14 March 2008

They are back

My sister appears to have survived her sojourn to New York with my mother; in fact my mother appears to have survived relatively unscathed as well. This was their first proper trip together sans the rest of the family, I am hamstrung by always having to take holidays during term time, the busiest and most expensive time to go anywhere so Mum’s wallet always takes a bashing when she holidays with me plus my kids unashamedly bleed her dry. So Lucy has picked up the baton and on top of the recent trip will also be spending 4 weeks in Australia with her over Christmas but heavily diluted by various Uncles and Cousins of course.
From my conversation with Lucy she (my sister) appears to have upheld the English tradition for being the rudest people on the planet, giving shop assistants short shrift over the prices charged. The English press must be subsidised by the New York tourist board because not a day goes by when they are not harping on at how many bargains are to be had in America. Well Lucy is putting everyone straight on that one and returned empty handed but full of belly!

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