Thanks to Style A Work In Progress, I have stumbled on a site that has made me ache with desire, no, not Russell Crowe, but Niederegger the king of marzipan. When I was a small child I had what must have been the SWEETEST tooth a child could ever have been born with. The tooth fairy came once never to return she backed away in horror because bless my mother she decided that the best way to cure my sweet tooth was with kindness. My mother never said "no" and sadly I never stopped loving sugar, I could eat a small tin of condensed milk, more chocolate than you could dream of and if there was one item that was never safe in any store cupboard it was marzipan. My Gran a fabulous cook always kept slabs in her pantry, especially over the Christmas period, sadly when the cake came to be iced the wrapper was all that remained. Now I know there is a cafe devoted to marzipan I will have to go and gorge.
Yes! Yes! Marzipan is a favorite of mine. Normally I get the organic Stramondo from Italy.
I also like toasted marzipan.
And latte di mandorla.
I predict that America will never see a marzipan cafe, more's the pity.
I can enjoy small bits of good marzipan (not so easy to find), but I have to say that my tooth's not sweet enough to enjoy much more than that -- that's got to be a true test of a sweet tooth! (Well, the can of sweetened condensed milk is pretty convincing as well.)
Suzanna I will be googling Stramondo ASAP,
Materfamilias you can add my mothers jar of maraschino cherries to that list..only lasy year!
Glad I found a fellow marzipan fan. Have you ever had Simnel cake (fruit cake with an inch thick layer of marzipan baked in the middle)? If not, find an old English cookbook asap...
Oh yes, and stollen, if its got marzipan in im there.
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